Renewing Life's Hope

Global Energy Method Master Practitioner & Metaphysical Coding Practitioner
As a Global Energy Method (GEM) practitioner, I help clients heal from anxiety, stress, and several other conditions, by balancing their internal energies and allowing them to regain their peace, hope, and inner confidence. Amazing, but true!
Is Energy Healing for Real?
Energy healing has been around for centuries but has recently become a mainstream healing technique by activating the body's subtle energy systems to remove blocks. By breaking through these energetic blocks, the body's inherent ability to heal itself is stimulated. Unlike the prescription medications and invasive surgeries of conventional medical practices, energy healing combines powerful physical, mental, and spiritual aspects to enable the body’s natural ability to heal. The key to energy healing is that it keeps the good energy your body needs and releases the energy that is not serving you. For a more detailed description of energy healing, please visit the FAQ tab of this website.
Is Energy Healing for Me?
Energy healing can seem either too "out there" or only for the rare special few. But the truth is that it is accessible to everyone, especially those who have had mediocre results with other treatment methods and want to try something new. As a certified energy healer, I will do my best to walk you through the process and make you feel as comfortable as possible, and I welcome all your questions before you decide on my healing treatment method. And remember, just as you do not need to understand the law of gravity before you can fall down, you do not need to completely grasp the concept of energy healing before you try it. As many of my clients will attest, they do not understand the process one hundred percent of the time, but they just know it works. For a more detailed breakdown of what to expect during a treatment, please visit the My Approach tab of this website.
Is Energy Healing Really for Me?
The limits of energy healing are endless, but I have been honored to restore freedom and balance in the life of my clients by helping them:
Overcome long-term anxiety
Eliminate panic attacks
Restore restful sleep by eliminating continual nightmares
Release smoking and drinking habits
Manage angry outbursts
Banish phobias
Overcome childhood traumas
Eliminate negative emotions from a previous relationship, and
Overcome PTSD
For client testimonials, please visit the Testimonials tab of this website.
Areas of Expertise
Anxiety, Sleep Disorders, Panic Attacks, Releasing Bad Habits, Releasing Phobias, Trauma Responses, Anger Management
I've helped people overcome long-term anxiety, eliminate panic attacks, say goodbye to continual nightmares, release smoking and drinking habits, manage angry outbursts, banish phobias and so much more. If you answer yes to any of the following questions, I can help you.
1. Do you suffer from anxiety or panic attacks?
2. Have you ever wished you could stop smoking or drinking alcohol?
3. Are you or your child struggling mentally, emotionally, or spiritually?
4. Do you have a phobia that is holding you back from enjoying life to the fullest?
5. Are there events from your childhood or your past that still trouble you?
6. Do you need to release emotional baggage from a previous relationship?
7. Do you feel like something is weighing you down, but you can't put your finger on it?
8. Do you need help focusing and grounding your energy?
9. Do you suffer from PTSD?
Hi! I'm so glad you are here! Do you suffer from anxiety? Panic attacks? Did you have a traumatic childhood? Have you experienced a trauma that is holding you back from enjoying life in some way? Do you have a bad habit that you want to kick to the curb or a phobia that is interfering with your daily life? Or maybe you wish you could sleep better at night or stop the endless loop that plays over and over again in your mind on repeat. The good news is, releasing trapped energies can help with all of this and so much more!