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Heart Wall Clearing Package

4 hr
350 US dollars
Location 1

Service Description

This package includes as many sessions as it takes to clear your Heart Wall. Typically 3-4 sessions. An email will be sent after your session with the report of the clearings. If you experience severe emotional trauma, your subconscious mind may form an energy wall to protect your heart from grievous injury. We refer to this protective shield of energy as the Heart Wall. It is made of a collection of trapped emotions which are wrapped layer by layer around the heart. In the moment, this Heart Wall is a form of protection in a fight or flight situation. However, later, this Heart Wall can block you from living life to the fullest and it can limit us from feeling and sending love fully. The good news is that with a series of emotional releases, this protective shield of energy can be removed layer by layer!

Contact Details

  • Hudson, Ohio, USA

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The most comprehensive energy healing modality on the planet.


A fully accredited 5-level certification program that is the first energy healing modality to be accepted as a continuing education provider for the Naturopathic Medical Certification Board!


GEM practitioners are able to help you to make the shift toward positive differences. Often it is the little things we overlook that can cause the most damage. We can't change the past but we can heal from it!  GEM practitioners are trained and experienced in identifying the needs of the body, mind, and spirit. Let us help you identify the small things that will change the rest of your life.

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